Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (Good Doctor) has made various comprehensive efforts to support the government in controlling this pandemic.
The government (Ministry of Health) officially appointed Good Doctor to provide free teleconsultation and self-isolation (isoman) services to all Indonesians infected with COVID-19 from 4 July 2021 until now.…

Following a number of other countries, cases of COVID-19 infection in the country have increased again. The government is wary of the Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 holidays where there will be a lot of movement of people, potentially triggering a spike in infections caused by virus Corona this EG.5 subvariant. So what is…

COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease. In severe cases, the disease can also cause death. What are the symptoms of coronavirus infection?

Be careful, sitting all day in front of the computer actually has a bad impact on your health. Let’s look at some of the effects of spending too long in front of the computer.

Pandemi COVID-19 membuat tak sedikit orang merasakan stres, cemas, panik, takut, dan gangguan suasana hati lainnya. Kamu bisa mengatasinya dengan mindfulness practice. Bagaimana caranya?
Although COVID-19 can spread easily between people, data shows that very few children have been diagnosed with COVID-19. There were 9 babies infected with the virus from December 8, 2019 to February 6, 2020 in China. It is possible that children have a lower risk of showing symptoms. Very few children are infected with this…
Good Doctor - Until recently experts thought COVID-19 first spread to people from animals in China that had the virus. But later it can also spread from person to person, similar to the flu and there are populations at high risk of COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infection caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus. The disease…
With the increasing number of COVID-19 patients in the world, various health organizations and medical professionals are encouraging everyone to stop holding their faces. This is important because COVID-19 enters the body from the eyes, nose and mouth. But why are we advised not to touch the face area? Although invisible, our hands…
Good Doctor - More than 82 countries have been infected with Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19. Various efforts have been made by local governments to prevent the spread of viral infections in their regions. One of them is by urging or even prohibiting its citizens from traveling abroad, especially countries that have the largest…