Good Doctor - COVID-19 has claimed nearly 120 thousand human lives worldwide and infected more than 1.9 million global citizens based on data from Jhons Hopkins University and Medicine (14/4). Does this data make you want to find out what exactly is the coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease that is currently endemic? How much…
How can coronavirus-positive patients recover from COVID-19 even though there is no cure?
Good Doctor - Reducing traveling to public places is one way we can break the chain of COVID-19 transmission. In addition, the government also urges us to avoid crowds. But not everyone can work at home, because their work is not possible to do from home. In addition, there are times when we have…
Good Doctor - The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the way COVID-19 is transmitted is similar to the way other types of coronavirus are transmitted, namely SARS and MERS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said this was because the virus was still relatively new so its characteristics were not yet fully…
Good Doctor - Maintaining endurance or immunity is undeniably able to make the body not susceptible to disease. The healthier our bodies are, the stronger the immune system will be in fighting various diseases, including the one that is currently endemic, COVID-19. Positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia are still increasing. Data accessed from…
The COVID-19 patient reportedly worsened when given the drug ibuprofen. Do we need to avoid this drug?

Tangerang, [Release Date] – LGI (Lippo General Insurance) continues to innovate in its health insurance services by introducing new digital features through the eBenefit Health application. LGI Director, Gilbert Naibaho, stated that this is a testament to LGI’s commitment to continuous digital innovation to enhance Customer Experience, providing added value for customers. The digital ecosystem…
Danamon and Adira Finance, supported by Good Doctor, held a second booster vaccination center to improve employee protection.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (Good Doctor) has made various comprehensive efforts
It contains many vitamins and other nutrients, but there are people who are lazy to eat fruit.